Hi everyone!
I continued what I was doing last year - shadowing a doctor in urgent care. The way he serves as a source of support and information for the Latino community is truly inspiring. I admire that he goes beyond the expectations of a doctor, helping patients access affordable healthcare by recommending hospitals that work through community funds. He also assists with vaccine documentation needed for immigration and naturalization. It’s incredible to shadow a doctor like him—one who truly cares! Seeing how he cares for his patients has inspired myself to want to do what he does - to be a pillar in the Hispanic and NOLA community through a specialty in family medicine. Especially since I plan to stay in NOLA for a long time.
With shadowing, I also simultaneously volunteer. When the doctor and nurses get swamped with patients, I deliver after care sheets, wrap sprains and help with stitches, or find the medical equipment that they need. I also translate on the phone for the nurses and I directly talk to Hispanic patients in regards of their vaccine documentation. I also do menial work like checking his immigration folders for a name, or grabbing printed items from the printer to keep the doctor from getting up. I know they also enjoy that I can pick up food for them too (lol)!
I unfortunately won't be able to shadow/volunteer with school so I look forward to other volunteering opportunities. I want to try to volunteer in other places to find other ways I can directly help in the community.
Below is a selfie with my scrubs on! I can't document other things due to... HIPAA!
Side note: this month snowed 10 inches of snow!! Crazy.
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